Scrum Wars: i grattacapi quotidiani di chi vive l’Agile Software Development


Chiunque abbia avviato o sia stato coinvolto nell’adozione di un processo agile per lo sviluppo del software si è trovato di fronte a perplessità iniziali, resistenze, obiezioni, problematiche comuni e ricorrenti che hanno causato dubbi e tentazioni di rinunciare, più forti se si presentano in un contesto con una radicata cultura di sviluppo software tradizionale o in organizzazioni complesse e distribuite.
Nonostante ciò, a distanza ormai di più di un decennio dal “Manifesto per lo Sviluppo Agile del Software”, oggi nel mondo circa il 50% delle aziende che sviluppano software dichiara di utilizzare metodi di agile development per la maggioranza dei propri progetti e si è definitivamente orientata su Scrum, che è il metodo utilizzato nei tre quarti delle organizzazioni agili, con un trend che rimane in crescita a tutto il 2014.

La comunità agile ha quindi imparato ad affrontare “il lato oscuro”, ovvero resistenze, perplessità e problemi che si presentano prima e durante il processo di transizione di un’organizzazione agile.
Come queste organizzazioni hanno affrontato le resistenze interne e le obiezioni? Come hanno gestito il processo di transizione? Come hanno coinvolto le funzioni di business e le funzioni al di fuori dell’R&D? Come hanno gestito i ruoli aziendali nel nuovo contesto? Come hanno affrontato gli ostacoli contrattuali?

Queste ed altre domande saranno affrontate durante il tutorial, che cercherà di dare una visione di come queste problematiche ricorrenti sono state affrontate dalle organizzazioni che hanno raggiunto un alto livello di maturità nel processo di sviluppo agile, attraverso la discussione di casi reali.

Il tutorial è svolto in lingua italiana.

A chi è rivolto
Il tutorial è rivolto a tutti coloro che, indipendentemente dal ruolo, hanno introdotto o che stanno provando ad introdurre metodologie di sviluppo agile nelle proprie organizzazioni, a coloro che sono coinvolti in questo processo e che sono interessati ad approfondire come affrontare alcune problematiche tipiche e ricorrenti.

Una conoscenza di base dei concetti e delle pratiche di Agile Development e del metodo Scrum è da considerarsi prerequisito. Per chi non avesse esperienze dirette di sviluppo agile ma è interessato agli argomenti del tutorial si consiglia la lettura di The Scrum Primer 2.0, disponibile qui tradotta in italiano. Non è necessario l’uso del laptop.

Giornata intera

Le resistenze al cambiamento
Quali sono le principali e più ricorrenti resistenze che si incontrano nell’affrontare una transizione verso agile development e come affrontarle.

La transizione verso l’organizzazione agile scalabile e matura
Quali passaggi pianificare per affrontare la transizione in modo sostenibile, quali accorgimenti adottare quando si scala verso maggiori livelli di maturità.

La gestione dei requisiti
Quali passaggi prevedere per individuare, gestire e sviluppare al meglio i requisiti, quali accorgimenti adottare e quali errori evitare.

Gli Sprint
Come preparare una sequenza di sprint sostenibile, come strutturare e sincronizzare gli sprint in presenza di un numero crescente di Team, come affrontare i cambiamenti in corsa e come gestire le retrospettive.

I Ruoli
Quali profili sono i più adatti per ricoprire i ruoli di una organizzazione Scrum? E quali quelli meno adatti? Quali accorgimenti adottare e quali errori evitare.

La responsabilità e la proprietà condivisa nel Team agile
Quali caratteristiche dei componenti di un team agile risultano più problematiche da gestire, come affrontarle per ricavare la massima cooperazione, migliorare la comunicazione ed attenuare le criticità.

Il testing
Quando pianificare e svolgere le diverse attività che riguardano il testing in un contesto agile, e da parte di chi? Quali accorgimenti adottare in situazioni di particolare complessità sia tecnica che organizzativa.

I contratti
Come ottenere il meglio da un’organizzazione agile pur in presenza di contratti poco “agile friendly”. Quali accorgimenti adottare per migliorare gli aspetti contrattuali in un contesto di agile development.


Biografia di Salvatore Reale

Performance Testing


This one day tutorial is targeted toward those who want to learn about Performance Testing for web-based applications as well as desktop applictions.

The tutorial introduces various types of performance tests and their objectives. Often the customers are not sure about what type of performance tests they need and the problem is compounded by their insistence on doing one type of tests when they actually want other type of test done. The tutorial presents some common questions that testers should ask the stake holders to understand which performance test types need to be performed and also the information to be gathered before starting a performance test.

The tutorial also focuses on setting up the performance environment, performance testing lab setup, benchmarking of load clients to determine maximum load from each client machine. The tutorial demonstrates use of Jmeter as a performance testing tool and doing a simple performance test with Jmeter on a sample application.
Last section of the tutorial focuses on the analysis of the captured data and preparation of a test report.

The tutorial also provides a list of DOs and DONTs from performance testing perspective in order to perform effective tests in an efficient and repeatable manner.


Biografia di Vipul Kocher



Exploratory Testing

Presentation Format: Full Day Tutorial/Workshop


Exploratory Testing has gained popularity over the last few years, and has quite a following but, like Agile approaches, it still causes some dispute amongst software professional.

Some testers love its spontaneity, creativity and flexibility; others mistrust it because it is unsystematic, unplanned, undocumented and an excuse for sloppy work. Of course, ET has its time and place.
ET has its role in all environments, no matter how structured, but it should be regarded as another tool in the testers’ armoury, to be used with judgement.
In fact, Paul argues that all testing is exploratory.


This tutorial sets out the background to the New Model Testing, Exploration and why all testers should know how to explore.

The course discusses the important psychological issues relating to exploration and how it can be used in the context of uncertain requirements. A range of techniques are described and examples given.
There will be a lot of practical work, testing functionality available on the internet. A laptop and wireless connection will be required to participate fully.

The course does not assume any detailed technical knowledge.

• All testing is exploratory to some degree
• Exploration of software, even without specifications, relies on sources of knowledge
• Exploration depends on mental models that we use to inform good testing.


Biografia di Paul Gerrard

Practical Risk Based Testing


This workshop provides senior test engineers, test leaders and testing managers with the main definitions, ideas, processes and tools they will need in order to exercise risk based testing in their projects and organizations.

This workshop covers the major concepts of risk based testing and risk management. During the workshop, the methodology behind RBT will be discussed, examples and excel tool templates will be provided to assist participants in their day to day work.

The risk based testing process is presented through theory, examples, discussions and (when relevant) exercises that are focused on risk based testing Identification, Selection & Planning – on one hand, and Mitigating, Tracking and Controlling – on the other hand.
A short review of risk based testing in an Agile environment will also be discussed.

Through presentation, discussion, and examples, participants will learn to:
* Understand the concepts of Risk Management
* Describe Risk Based Testing principals
* Understand what Risk language propose in day to day life, and why should we talk like that
* Define where Risk Based Testing can assist in the testing life cycle
* How to define Risks on a project level
* How to define Risk Analysis for the different testing topics
* Discuss test planning strategy issues in regards to Risk Based Testing
* Discuss test execution strategy issues and Risk Based Testing

Real life Case studies will be presented were reports and graphs will be discussed.

This course is intended for professionals who deal with managing risks for the testing group. Among them are:
* Experiences Test engineers
* Test Team Leaders
* Test Managers
* Quality Officers/Engineers/managers

This is not an introductory course. Participants should be familiar with/have knowledge in:
* Testing basic concepts
* Testing main processes
* Testing lifecycle
* Defect management principals
* Test requirements basics
* General knowledge of testing measurements


Alon Linetzki's Biography

Software Test Estimation


How long will the testing take? That’s a question we test professionals often struggle to answer, and, when we do, the response is often, “That’s too long!”
In this practical, hands-on course, Rex Black guides you through the tricky questions of test estimation. Can we use risk to determine what we should test—and how extensively? What tasks must we carry out to be ready to perform those tests when the time comes? Can we combine techniques like work-breakdown-structures, historical project data, and rules of thumb to estimate the time and money required for those tasks? How can we respond to management requests to compress testing efforts into pre-existing schedule or budget targets? Rex’s experience-based presentation, lively group discussion, hypothetical case study, and a realistic running exercise will put the essential estimation tools in your hands so you’ll be ready for your next testing project.
This course draws on Rex’s best-selling book, Managing the Testing Process, 2e, his new book, Critical Testing Processes, and over two decades of software, hardware, and systems experience.


Learning Objectives

Through presentation, discussion, and hands-on exercises, attendees will learn to:

• Analyze risks to system quality to determine what should be tested—and to what degree—in a test subproject.

• Use work-breakdown-structures to create an actionable, realistic estimate of the tasks, dependencies, resources, and time required for the testing subproject.

• Refine estimates using developer/tester ratios, industry averages, historical data, and test point analysis.

• Sell the estimate to management on a dollars-and-cents, risk-management basis.

• Adjust the estimated schedule and budget to fit project constraints without undermining accuracy or unduly increasing risk.

Course Materials

This course includes the following materials:

Name Description
Course Outline A general description of the course along with learning objectives, course materials and an outline of the course topics, including approximate timings for each section
Noteset A set of approximately 130 PowerPoint slides covering the topics to be addressed
Project Source Documents for Course Exercises Specifications used in the realistic example project used in exercises for the course
Estimation Factors Factors that influence test estimation
Test Estimation Tools and techniques for realistic predictions of your test effort
Bibliography and resources A set of further readings, Web sites, tools and other resources to help implement the concepts

The printed course materials are provided in a binder in a way which makes it convenience for course attendees to remove portions as needed for reference; e.g., during exercises.

Session Plan


Deciding what you should test

  • Quality
  • Quality and customer usage
  • Quality risk analysis
  • Case study

Exercise: Quality risk analysis

Estimating what you can test: Fundamentals

  • Work-breakdown-structures
  • Deliverables
  • Delphic oracle, three-point, and wideband
  • Dependencies and resources
  • Case study

Estimating what you can test: Important considerations

  • Test execution time
  • Bug removal time
  • People, process, and materials factors

Estimating what you can test: Refinements

  • Historical-data framework
  • Industry averages
  • Developer/tester and project effort ratios
  • Test point analysis
  • Uses and misuses of these techniques
  • Sticky-note work-breakdown-structure technique

Exercise: Developing an estimate

Selling your estimate

  • Cost of quality—and poor quality
  • The value of known bugs
  • Testing as an insurance substitute
  • Test information as a project guide
  • Case study

Exercise: Presenting and defending a budget

Exercise: Calculating costs of failure

Adapting to project constraints

  • Overlap phases
  • Add staff
  • Reduce test execution time
  • Use risk as a guide
  • Drop features
  • The risks of overtime and stretch goals

Exercise: Risk-driven reductions in test subproject scope


Recommended Readings

The class materials include a bibliography of books related to software testing, project management, quality, and other topics of interest to the test professional.

Biografia di Rex Black




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