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hartyJulian Harty has been actively involved in the software testing world since 1999 when he realised testing was one way to help deliver better software for the ultimate users. Over the years he has run various companies, worked at Google for 4 years as a senior test engineer, and is currently the Tester At Large at eBay.

Much of his work is freely available online including various opensource projects, training material, and notes on test automation for web and mobile applications. He wrote the first book on test automation for smartphone applications, published articles, given tutorials and classes globally on testing and test automation. He’s also one of the editors, and the main author for the testing sections, for the popular Don’t Panic Mobile Developers Guide to the Galaxy book, the 10th edition is being launched in February 2012.

He has a BSc in Computer Science, and he holds distinctions in the ISEB software testing qualifications (he was also on the examination panel for several years).



mandelliFernando è Chief Executive Officer e co-fondatore di Business Strategy SrL, con sedi in Italia e Cina. Business Strategy è partner del Software Engineering Institute della Carnegie Mellon University di Pittsburgh. E' laureato in Scienze della Informazione e ha una esperienza di oltre 22 anni in ambito ICT management e ICT Application and Service. E' SEI Certified Lead Appraiser SCAMPI Class A,B e C, CAM (Comprehensive Appraisal Method) authorized e membro del comitato scientifico ITA-STQB. Ha concentrato la sua esperienza nel supportare il board delle organizzazioni a migliorare i propri processi e performance per il raggiungimento dei loro obiettivi di business attraverso l'adozione del CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) nei tre modelli CMMI-DEV, CMMI-SVC e CMMI-ACQ (CMMI Constellations). Altre aree di esperienza sono da inquadrare nei contesti quali ISO, SPICE, SIX-SIGMA, Agile e Coniguration Management. Ha effettuato numerosi appraisal Classe A,B e C in diverse realtà aziendali Italiane ed Europee. E' autore o co-autore di Report&Papers e presentazioni. Partecipa attivamente a conferenze internazionali, webinar e frequentemente è invitato come keynote speaker in Italia ed Europa.



geoffGeoff is the Consultancy Director for Experimentus Ltd (, a leading Software Quality Management consultancy based in the UK.

Over the last 20 years he has an excellent track record in Test Management and Process Improvement. He is particularly passionate about Test Process Improvement. In 1997 he started working with ISEB developing the original Software Testing Foundation syllabus and exams; he then managed the development of the original Software Testing Practitioner syllabus and exam in 2002. Geoff initiated the ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualification Board) and is the UK representative to the board. He Chairs the UK Testing Board. He is a founder member and Chairman of the TMMi Foundation Management Executive (see, He is also the Vice Chairman and Treasurer of the BCS SIGiST (Specialist Group in Software Testing). Geoff is a popular international speaker on all things testing, having delivered keynote presentations in the UK, Germany, Sweden. Denmark, Australia, Malaysia and India and being a regular speaker at the EuroSTAR conferences (the largest software testing conference in Europe), last year (2011) he was particularly proud to have been selected to Programme Chair EuroSTAR in Manchester. He is also co-author of the biggest selling testing book on – ISTQB/ISEB – A Software Testing Foundation. In 2008 he was awarded the European Testing Excellence award for his work in the field of testing.




Enrico Fagnoni ha dedicato oltre un quarto di secolo alla ricerca e allo sviluppo dell'ICT italiana. Ha costruito molti tool di testing ed è stato responsabile di importanti progetti, pubblicando numerosi articoli di SW Engineering.

Con Gualtiero Bazzana e ad altri amici ha fondato Onion SpA. Per quattro anni è stato membro dell' Advisory Committee al W3C ed è stato responsabile dell' Innovazione in Alten Italia.

Attualmente è titolare di E-Artspace, con la quale finanzia startup innovative e progetti open source. Nei laboratori di E-Artspace sviluppa prodotti e tecnologie per il Semantic Web, il Cloud Computing e il Data Marketing.

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Vipul is a co-founder of PureTesting and President of Indian Testing Board, the ISTQB® board for India.
He has over 15 years of testing experience including managing Adobe Acrobat and Reader testing.

He has won several awards including the best paper award at STAREast 2006 and the Logica CMG Triple Star Award for the most original contribution at EuroStar 2005.
He has been a Keynote speaker at many testing conferences including SIGiST 2008, 2011 Tel Aviv – Israel and ANZTB 2009, 2012 Sydney - Australia.

Vipul invented Q-Patterns, a method of capturing testing knowledge and writing reusable test cases.
This method is being used by various organizations across the world. He also created a test design method called extension to noun-and-verb technique. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering and Master's Degree in Computer Engineering from IIT, Delhi.


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